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A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
While working at a West Virginia mine, Gary Hairston dashed up a set of stairs to get out of the rain, but he only made it halfway. Doubled over and breathless, he didn’t ye
In 2020 and 2021, the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma posted photographs of a 2,000-year-old skull with a feature that might be surprising to modern audiences. The skull had evidence of a surgical procedure intended to mend a skull fracture:
The text included in the above post, dated Apr
BREAKING IT OPEN — Fairmont hitter Eli Anderson (9) receives congratulations from Cardinals’ head coach Don Waletich after slugging a three-run triple during the bottom of the sixth inning of a Class AA state baseball quarterfinal Tuesday at Dick Putz Field in St. Cloud. Sibley East third
The triceps, or the rear of your forearms, are toned with the seated dip machine exercise. You can choose how much weight you are pushing and utilizing to work your triceps on the machine.
When your arms are stretched against resistance, your triceps contract to lengthen your arms. Your
Pixar's "Lightyear" gives you everything you never knew about the titular "Toy Story" hero — his full origin story and mythos, as told by the 1995 film that made the action figure so popular in Andy's world. Setting the movie within the canon of the "Toy Story" franchise in this way is an in
Batman Forever's Batsuit nipples have always been a talking point for fans, but it seems classical history is responsible for the infamous design.
When it comes to Batman Forever, there is one thing that sticks out in the mind of fans more than anything else. It isn’t the manic per
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Zacuto, a US based manufacturer of production-grade, filmmaking camera accessories and rigs, is pleased to announce that their accessories for Panasonic’s new Lumix GH6 have been received exceedingly well by customers. Zacuto’s design philosophy is to cr
Home About Arthritis Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriatic Arthritis Overview
When you think of arthritis, you tend to think of joint pain. After all, “arth” means joint and “itis” means inflammation. It’s no different with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a type of inflammatory arth
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New Jersey (United States) – A2Z Market Research published new research on Global Bone Fixation Screw covering the micro-level of analysis by competitors and key business segments (2022-2029). The Global Bone Fixation Screw explores a compreh